About This Adventure

In the fall of 2011, I followed the fortunes of three long time dominant small high school football programs: Canadian, TX, McCook, NE and Linton, ND; as they strove towards the ultimate goal of any high school athlete: a state championship.

I needed no GPS to find my way, as US Highway 83 passed through each town, a common main street, linking all three. Call it the ultimate road trip for a high school football junkie. I traversed, back and forth, this road, the only non-interstate highway left in our federal transportation system that runs unimpeded from the

Canadian to the Mexican border. Along its’ route I found the “true” America- one of real people whose solid but common everyday lives never make the national news. I was able to record the human drama that is so unique, and so American, to small town high school athletics.

Canada to Mexico = 1475 miles of America's 50 yard line.


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